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Hôtel WindsoR

604, 2023 © Léonard Contramestre
604, 2023 © Léonard Contramestre



11 rue Dalpozzo, 06000 Nice

« RÊVIERA was born out of the residency carried out in March 2023 at the WindsoR Hotel, where we each produced two distinct works that could dialogue with each other.
Both projects were realized at the West End Hotel. Léonard worked on the 604 video project with two dancers performing in the hotel to a soundtrack taken from an advertising campaign for the launch of the Peugeot 604, and Clémence produced a CAN FRANCE BE YOUR HEAVEN photo project already initiated during her residency in February of the same year at the Centre de la photographie de Mougins. »

604, 2023 © Léonard Contramestre
604, 2023 © Léonard Contramestre

Léonard Contramestre


2023 - 5' - Couleur

To the soundtrack of a 45 rpm advertising archive featuring the Peugeot 604 in its SL V6 version, voiced by Jean Topart, two dancers stroll through a baroque-style luxury hotel.
A symbol of class, comfort, quality, tradition and French good taste, this is the large sedan produced by the French brand in the 70s in an attempt to compete with the much more widespread German luxury models of the time.
The didactic dance performed by the two performers, juxtaposed with the soundtrack and the old-fashioned hotel decor, articulate a dialogue that questions what French class and luxury represent in the contemporary world. As a stylistic effect, the composition of the shots is conceived as paintings that respond to those on the walls of the hotel.
At the time, to launch the car, Peugeot decided to distribute a 45 rpm record to affluent households who could afford to buy the sedan, announcing that the car would be loaned to them for 24 hours, and then listing its features. The cover was neat and tidy, and Jean Topart was heard speaking impeccable French to a background of classical music. A symbol of elitism for Peugeot, it even became Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s official car.

The concept of luxury offered by this hotel in Nice is almost unheard of in the world of contemporary luxury hotels. However, many hotels on the Riviera still offer this service, with all its attendant uniforms and choreographed gestures.
The video also proposes a reflection on the place of the concept of high stan- ding in a society where we try to water down social differences by amalgamating the proletariat with the middle class to dis- sembly social gaps, in vain, as the author Nathalie Quintane points out in her book Que faire des classes moyennes.
The two dancers allow me to interact with the different tableaux, to bring these spaces to life and give them a second life, as if they were frozen in time and had come to resuscitate, dust off the curtains, and restore an aesthetic that once made France great.

CAN FRANCE BE YOUR HEAVEN, 2023 © Clémence Elman
CAN FRANCE BE YOUR HEAVEN, 2023 © Clémence Elman

Clémence Elman


2023 - Couleur

On the way to Nice, in a brand-new British-registered Land Rover with two royal poodles in the back, M explains how he set up his luxury travel business, taking cars and dogs back to their owners. The yachts are getting ready at Cap d’Antibes, it’s the beginning of spring. On Wednesday evenings, I take Scottish dance classes at the International School in Mougins. I often sit on the sofas in the West End, watching the hotel staff come and go. I read Ser- vir les riches over my continental breakfast. I drive aimlessly to listen to investor commercials on Radio Riviera. I go for a drink in a five-star hotel in Monaco, and, in the end, I get used to it. For me, who grew up in the South-West, all this has a touch of the exotic and fascinates me. And, without bringing any truth to the matter, here are the fragments of my impressions during these two months on the French Riviera.

The latter is the preferred destination for a specific type of tourism, influenced by the Anglo-Saxon culture brought by the community that settled here. Luxury, excellence, comfort, quality, prestige and internationalism are terms used in luxury tourism and specifically sought after by a clientele specific to this region. Through a fictional documentary, I build a narrative around these key words, particularly in the four-star West End hotel on the Promenade des Anglais.
Through self-portraits and stagings based on observations, the collection of imagery and the construction of characters, the interior of the hotel becomes the stage for this narrative.
This exhibition proposal includes both framed prints and a number of photographs presented in a diverted manner, deliberately reduced to a purely ornamental function. A series of wall plates is inspired by talking plates – caricatures of morals in the form of a series telling a story – whose new printing techniques were imported from England in the 19th century. Six plates of the same action are displayed on the wall, accompanying the prints. A pho- tograph printed on a silk scarf is also displayed in the space.