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© Florent Audoye, Un noeud de cravate en 2 min, 2018
© Florent Audoye, Un noeud de cravate en 2 min, 2018

Florent Audoye

Artist-author and performer who graduated from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2010, Florent Audoye (born in 1985 in Montpellier) was in a research residency at the beginning of 2018. Transforming Robert Barry artist’s room 42 into a filming studio, Florent carried out research on low-tech videos using the codes and aesthetics of Youtubers:

With the complicity of a Villa Arson student, he also made his first short film on the absurdity of post-modern management techniques: be


Finally, Florent proposed an opening at the end of the residency by presenting, on the television of room 42, a compilation of his research carried out on site. First artist in residence within the hotel, Florent was able to experience an artist’s room as a research studio where he, among other things, prepared a trilogy of performances produced at the Palais de Tokyo for the DO DISTURB#4 festival in April 2018.