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Hôtel WindsoR

Centre des Arts d’Enghien


Situé à Enghien-les-bains, lieu de création contemporaine à la croisée des arts numériques et de la science, le Centre des arts offre une programmation variée de manifestations culturelles pour tous les publics. Il est à l’initiative d’événements d’envergure nationale et internationale.

@François Vogel, Stretching, 2009 - sélection du centre des Arts d'Enghien
@François Vogel, Stretching, 2009 - sélection du centre des Arts d'Enghien

François Vogel


Vidéo, son, 5 min, 2009

Stretching is one of François Vogel’s crazy video and film inventions born out of his experiments with cameras and his work in the digital arts. A sequence of very short shots of undulating building facades on which the title is inscribed.
Animated frame by frame, a man in summer clothes performs a series of stretching exercises in the streets of a big city. Each exercise takes place in front of a different urban setting. Illuminated by city lights, only a kind of electronic refrain and a few rare synchronous sounds (yawns) or atmospheres (car siren) accompany the images.